Club Rules and Regulations
Ocmulgee River Gun Club (ORGC) welcomes you to our skeet, trap, and sporting clays facility located at 169 Marcar Road, Macon, Georgia 31216. We hope you enjoy participating in the shooting sports and enjoy your time at the range.
- SIGN IN. All members and guests must sign-in in the clubhouse before entering or shooting on any shotgun ranges.
- SAFETY. Safety is, above all, the primary concern of everyone at ORGC. No deviation from these safety rules and range protocols will be permitted at any time. Deviation from these safety rules may result in immediate expulsion from the ORGC ranges. The following Safety Rules and Range Protocols are adopted by the Board of Directors of ORGC. They are intended to address skeet, trap, 5-stand, and sporting clays shotgun shooting. A range safety officer, a range officer, a referee, an ORGC board member, or an officer and ORGC staff are all considered “range officers” for the purposes of these rules.
- COLD RANGE. The first and principal safety rule is that ORGC is a COLD RANGE. All shotguns must be unloaded before arriving at the range and must always remain unloaded except when you are loading your shotgun on the firing line prior to firing. Under NO circumstances are shotguns to be handled except at a designated shooting station, such as an area where gun racks or designated stations are present.
- PLEASE NOTE: When transporting a shotgun the chamber must be locked open (autoloading shotgun) or the breach must be open (over and under, side-by-side or single-shot shotguns) for all present to see that the shotgun is both unloaded and safe.
- A LOADED SHOTGUN is one with a live round in the chamber or a live round in the magazine in the shotgun. For safety reasons, a shotgun may prove later to be unloaded, but its breach is closed so that its loaded or unloaded status cannot be visually confirmed, is deemed a loaded shotgun, and is not in compliance with this rule.
- USE OF SAFETY AREA. Safety Areas, such as gun racks under some of the shelters, are conveniently located for the benefit of shooters. Safety Areas are assigned to allow casing and uncasing and the examination of shotguns before firing. Under no circumstances may shotguns be loaded in the Safety Area, even with dummy rounds or empty cases. No ammunition may be handled in the Safety Area under any conditions. Ammunition can only be handled at a firing position.
- CASING/ASSEMBLY ISSUES. No shotgun may be cased or uncased, assembled, or disassembled, except in a designated Safety Area or on a firing point on any of the shotgun ranges. Shotguns may be uncased and assembled at a member or guest’s vehicle but may NOT be loaded when transporting the shotgun to a firing position.
- EYE & EAR PROTECTION. Everyone is warned that the wearing of eye and ear protection is in their best interest and essential in preventing injury. It is always required that eye and hearing protection be worn while on the range property, and eye and ear protection is mandatory when shooting or entering any firing area.
- UNSAFE SHOTGUN HANDLING. No unsafe shotgun handling will be permitted at any time. Any shooter found engaging in activity that constitutes unsafe shotgun handling may be immediately ordered to leave the range by a range officer or ORGC staff.
- 180 DEGREE RULE. Under no circumstances shall any shooter permit the shotgun’s muzzle to point at an angle greater than 90 degrees left or right of the target being engaged. Breaking this 180-degree line will always be considered unsafe shotgun handling.
- MUZZLE SWEEPING. Sweeping the muzzle of a shotgun anywhere on the range property during a course of fire, during any shooting activity, or while handling a shotgun, in which the muzzle of the shotgun crosses any part of the shooter or any other person, will always be considered unsafe shotgun handling and may subject the offender to immediate expulsion from the ORGC range.
- LOADING & RELOADING. Loading a shotgun in any area away from a firing line or having the shotgun breach or chamber closed to where its loaded status cannot be visibly confirmed is considered unsafe shotgun handling. These actions may subject the offender to immediate expulsion from the ORGC facilities. During loading and reloading, care must be taken that the shotgun points downrange throughout the loading procedure. Pointing a shotgun downrange as described is particularly essential while reloading an auto-loading shotgun since it may still have a live round in the chamber. While loading or reloading any shotgun, the trigger finger must always be outside the trigger guard.
- AMMUNITION. The use of quality, safe factory-loaded shotgun shells are preferred; however, reloaded shotgun shells are permitted at ORGC. Anyone shooting reloaded shogun shells is solely responsible for any damage caused by reloaded ammunition, including any personal or property dame of any king. For competition events, all NSSA and NSCA rules apply.
- SHOTGUNS. Shotguns can be used to engage flying clay targets and pattern boards supplied by the club only. Shooting anything else, especially wildlife, is strictly prohibited on range property.
- ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE. An accidental discharge will be defined as any shot fired outside the normal confines of the shotgun station’s firing position and course of fire or any other direction deemed unsafe by a range officer of ORGC staff.
- Any discharge while loading, reloading, unloading, or during remedial action of a malfunction will be regarded as an accidental discharge and unsafe shotgun handling. However, if a discharge due to the actual breakage of a part of the shotgun, when the shooter has fulfilled all standard safety requirements adequately, then the event action will not be considered unsafe shotgun handling.
- Any discharge during movement, except while engaging targets as part of a course of fire will be considered as unsafe shotgun handling. The shooter can be expelled from the range if the accidental discharge resulted from unsafe shotgun handling.
- SHOOTING STRUCTURES AND RANGE EQUIPMENT. Shooting anything other than a clay target, such as a building or clay thrower, is a reason to be ordered to leave the range. The intentional or reckless shooting of these structures and equipment is not safe and constitutes unsafe shotgun handling. Anyone causing damage to range equipment or facilities shall be personally and monetarily liable for such damage which may result in loss of membership or banishment from the range property. Shotgun pellets striking a tree or bushes during the course of fire are not considered deliberate, intentional, or reckless shooting.
- EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS. Unsafe shotguns will not be permitted. The list of unsafe conditions is too long to be listed, but the person handling a shotgun is responsible for the safety and condition of the shotgun. If you are unsure of the condition or safety of your shotgun, DO NOT shoot it, then seek help from a competent gunsmith. The officers and directors of ORGC and its range officers reserve the right to prohibit, at their discretion, any condition they deem unsafe. Use common sense!
- MALFUNCTIONS. In the event of a malfunction, if the shooter attempts to rectify the situation, always keep the muzzle pointed downrange. If the shooter cannot clear the malfunction, they must stand fast, lower the shotgun to be safely pointed downrange and attempt to unload and make the shotgun safe to transport to a competent gunsmith for repair.
- BROKEN SHOTGUN. If the shotgun cannot be unloaded due to a damaged or malfunctioning mechanism, the shooter will take such action as deemed best and safest for everyone on the range property. Under no circumstances will a shooter leave a firing position in possession of a loaded shotgun without the prior permission of a range officer or ORGC staff. Provided that the shotgun can be unloaded, the shooter may go to the nearest designated Safety Area and attempt to repair the breakage or secure the broken shotgun to minimize accidental discharge or injury to persons and property. The person in possession of the shotgun is responsible for following all current malfunction-clearing guidelines.
- UNABLE TO FINISH COURSE. When, due to a breakdown of personal equipment, minor injury, or personal reasons, a shooter is unable or unwilling to complete a course of fire and wishes to terminate the course, they may unload their shotgun, safely store it in a case and then transport the shotgun away from the firing area.
- STOP or CEASE-FIRE COMMAND. Stop means STOP, and cease-fire means CEASE FIRE, with NO EXCEPTIONS. If you hear the Stop or Cease-Fire command, immediately cease fire, point your shotgun downrange, or, if instructed, make the shotgun safe by unloading and placing it in a designated gunrack or other safe areas. Do Not Move until you are told to move. Anyone may give this command if they witness an unsafe act.
- MOVEMENT. The course of fire for shotgun sports requires movement by the shooter, which must be carried out with the trigger finger outside the trigger guard except when engaging targets. Additionally, any shotgun fitted with a safety catch should have such a catch in the safe position until ready to fire. The muzzle must always be pointed in a safe direction and downrange.
- TARGETS. The only targets that will be allowed on the ranges are clay targets approved by ORGC. No glass, bottles, cans, explosive or incendiary materials, or similar items may be used as targets. There is a pattern board past the 5-stand range to be used for shotgun patterning.
- TRASH. All trash, including shotgun hulls, shall be removed from the firing position by the shooter after completing the round. All trash is to be placed in the available trash barrels.
- GROSS, UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated. In the event of gross, unsportsmanlike conduct, the shooter will be ordered to leave the range.
- The Range Officer(s) on duty will have complete authority over all persons on the range. Safety on the range will be the range officer’s prime concern, and the range officer’s orders must be obeyed. Failure to follow the range officer’s instructions and directions, or in the opinion of the range officer, the shooter is being unsafe or is bringing the sport into disrepute, may lead to expulsion or banishment from the range.
- After being warned, repeated infringement of the range’s rules will be considered unsportsmanlike behavior, which may lead to expulsion or banishment from the range.
- Profane or vulgar language will not be tolerated on the ORGC property. While a “swear word” is occasionally heard on a shooting range, all shooters are cautioned to be aware when children and others are present and set an example of good, clean behavior.
- ORGC has toilet facilities on site. Please use the facilities and NOT THE WOODS! It is unsafe, unsanitary, and you may be inadvertently exposing yourself to others.
- ALCOHOL OR DRUGS. Alcohol or drugs are not permitted in the shooting areas of the ORGC ranges. Any person found with either in any shooting area will be immediately ordered to leave the range. Any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be required to leave the range property, even if not engaged in shooting. Illegal drugs will not be permitted on any portion of the ORGC range under any circumstances and will be immediately reported to the proper law enforcement authorities. Alcohol may be allowed in the clubhouse area during social gatherings. Anyone consuming alcohol may not handle a firearm or ammunition, NO EXCEPTIONS. ORGC is not responsible for any person drinking alcohol and driving. Any matter involving alcohol that causes injury or action by law enforcement casts a bad light on the shotgun sports and ORGC. Such behavior will not be tolerated, and the offender may be subjected to loss of membership or banishment from the Club property.
- MINORS. Individuals 17 years and younger may fire on the range only when under the direct supervision of their parents, guardian, or responsible adult. Individuals 17 years and younger are not allowed on the range premises unless they are under the direct supervision of an adult responsible for them and keep them behind the firing line and out of danger zones.
- UNATTENDED AND PROPERTY. ORGC shall not be responsible for personal property or equipment left on the premises or left unattended.
- EMERGENCIES. In the unlikely event that someone is injured on ORGC property, if you see a person injured, immediately loudly call out CEASE FIRE and immediately report the injury to a range officer, ORGC staff, and the match director (if applicable). Until help arrives, render any aid that you are qualified to provide. Upon their arrival, the range officer, ORGC staff, and match director will take charge of any emergency, so unless you are asked to help, please step back and do not interfere with others giving aid to an injured person. Do not leave the range until the emergency has been handled and law enforcement, if any, has released everyone.
- Treat all shotguns as if they are loaded. Always assume that a shotgun is loaded even if you believe that it is unloaded. Every time a shotgun is handled for any reason, check to make sure that it is not loaded. Use your safety if your shotgun has a safety, but NEVER fully trust a shotgun safety. It is mechanical. It can fail!
- Always be aware of where the muzzle of your shotgun is pointing and where the muzzle of others’ shotguns is pointing. Keep all shotguns pointed in the safest possible direction. DO NOT point or sweep a shotgun at anything you do not intend to shoot, including yourself! DO NOT allow others to point or sweep a shotgun in an unsafe direction!
- Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot. Warn others around you to keep their finger outside the trigger guard.
- Do not load a shotgun until you are ready to shoot, and unload the shotgun immediately when you finish firing.
NOTICE. By reading these rules and making use of the ORGC range facilities, you are certifying that you have previously used shotguns and that you are not prohibited by any of the laws of the United States or the State of Georgia from possessing shotguns or firearms. You are further acknowledging and agreeing that you are aware of the hazards and risks inherent in the use of shotguns and upon physical proximity to any shooting activity, including, but not limited to, accidental discharge of shotguns and resultant personal injury or damage to property. By using the ORGC facilities, you are voluntarily and freely assuming all such risks without exception. Also, you are acknowledging that you are aware of these safety rules, are agreeing to comply with these safety rules fully, and agree to ensure compliance with these rules by those who may accompany you while at the ORGC range. Using the ORGC range facilities, you agree to release ORGC from all liability, which might arise from any damage, loss, injury, or death that you might sustain while using the ORGC range facility. You further agree to indemnify ORGC and hold it harmless for any acts committed by you or others, which may or does give rise to any claim against ORGC.